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The ability to foster growth is a priority for brands – and growth comes in many forms. Whether you’re amid expansion, acquisition, or just generally focused on driving efficiency to increase your bottom line, your branding portal is one of the most cost-effective ways to achieve that online. 

A viable opportunity to help move the needle. Web Portals do a wonderful job honing in on community consumers expanding brand awareness. Designing a powerful, resourceful portal foundation is a marketing science. Content is key – and we’ve made it engaging, relevant, and tailored to ALL specific audiences.

We have given viewers a reason to keep coming back to share regular insights. We’ve published thought-provoking content and links. Simply put, your new portal will be compelling, captivating, resourceful, educational, entertaining, and inviting. 

The Home Service portal will grow from people visiting who feel the need to share your portal with others because of its resource value.

Its also an informative Sports & News Portal featuring easy to navigate content all in one place in multiple languages. It’s time saving with popular resources that people WANT and NEED to go about their busy day. So appealing in fact, many have made it their home on the net and that helps to get brands shared from one circle to another … creating a snowball effect across city-wide consumer communities.

The Portal also features a compilation of YouTube videos (with more than a Billion repeat views) That alone should be proof positive that your portal will get referred time and time again just from our best of YouTube alone. Great daily updated News Sources both domestic and international, plus sports news, entertainment videos such as best of bloopers, pets, amazing Humans, and the best of comedy … all on ONE site. 

A lot of thought has gone into the development of this Home Service Portal to make access quick, easy to navigate, user friendly and mobile friendly packed with everything people want! We listened to consumers and to the business community before we built and developed one of the most comprehensive Portals that many people love to share. 

The good news with that is they will be highly motivated to share the Portal and your AD with others to help grow your online traffic, your consumer base, your brand, and your bottom line!

Part of what makes us human is that we thrive on the validation of others and when we see something we like, we share it. It’s simply human nature to “care to share” great web portals containing great features. 

Your customized Portal AD will be launched live on the net within 5   business days. You will receive an email with a link to your named AD once the Portal site has been updated containing your AD. 

Just about everything to bring your brand to life online! We cover hosting fees, domain name, SSL Certificates, Site Security, Site Backup and Site Optimization Visibility.  You also get your brand design inserted on the portal with direct link to your primary website.

Our flat rate AD fee is $365 a year ($1 a day) and you receive your 2nd year FREE!  There are a total of 60 display AD spaces under each of 60 cities. In addition to the benefit of such low pricing, your AD will also be EXCLUSIVE – meaning only one Home Service business in each category will be applied per city.

Yes, there is.

When you refer another home service business that results in an AD sale, you will receive a FREE Global Radio LIVE Stream Portal.

This Portal is designed to further draw newer and more repeat visitation to the Portal and thus to your primary website. You may also recruit and invite Home Service businesses to place a display AD on the Portal your new Portal which make it an AD revenue driven addition to your bottom line. 

Home Service ADs can sell for any price you like.

Also, giving away Ads for free as a complimentary gift to some selected Home Service companies you currently do business with or to businesses you would like to do business with can prove to be rewarding in the sense of getting returned favours for increased business leads or a reciprocal exchange of AD space on their primary website. One business helping the other!

The business contracts received from companies to whom you have given a FREE AD may far exceed the AD revenue that you would receive for the year.

On the other hand, your new mobile responsive Portal site with AD space revenue can present you with an attractive income stream for years, because each year your advertisers may renew their AD to keep their brand promoted on your popular portal.

As your Portal grows in popularity, you’ll also have the option to increase your advertising rates. 

Selling AD space can be financially rewarding and help to increase leads directly from the exposure of so many ADs.  It also improves search engine visibility and brings awareness for your company.   

We do! This applies to all the portal AD spaces. We design and link the AD and manage the site in effort to grow the Home Service Portal for the benefit of all Home Service Advertisers through a professional behind the scenes team. This leaves you with more time to focus on what you do best for your business.  We work together … making this a mutually rewarding and beneficial.

Welcome aboard – we hope you become part of our goal – to help grow a popular.